

Ensuring the effectiveness of the identity is very important - and to do so every element of the visual identity must be used with care and consistency. The function of the online identity manual is to set clear guidelines that define the visual identity design principles, to share pre-designed templates to be used along with guidelines of how to adjust them, and to ensure a consistent usage of the identity established.

Visual Identity Principles
Establish and define clear visual Identity principles and rules.

Consistency and simplicity
Focus on having all visual and communication material consistent, clean and simple.

Visual Identity as a valuable asset

  • Setting the graphical identity as an exceptionally valuable asset - that communicates clearly the content and the mission of the application.
  • Presenting a clear and consistent identity that will reinforce the reputation. 
  • Insuring that every communication material falls under the bigger picture of how the organiation wants to be regarded.

Clear defined logo in all its basic formats
Defining a clear logo and how it can be used.

Well-Defined Identity elements
Defining all identity elements besides the logo and logo treatment: colors, typography, layout & grid.

Definition of various Level of Communication
Elements Defining the communication elements, such social media, banners and tone of voice.

Illustrative application samples to define guidelines
Illustrating all defined design principles through examples of the basic applications, focusing on setting the guidelines to follow, rather than designing individual items.

Online Brand Rule Book
Development of an online identity and brand rules book that makes the design principles clear and available for everyone to use, share, and eventually update.